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Restaurant Host career

2,956 Downloads 67 Thanks  Thanks 19 Favourited 9,510 Views
Uploaded: 14th Mar 2023 at 7:33 PM
Updated: 23rd Apr 2023 at 5:36 PM
April 23, 2023: Updated with a French translation courtesy of JenniferB! Huge thanks to them and also Battery for the assistance with troubleshooting the STBLs

March 18, 2023: Updated with secondary language strings for translating

I wanted some more everyday jobs for my sims, something akin to working in a pub/fast food place, and I offer you the Restaurant Host career! Can be joined from the Diner in town. This is a career with only one level and no progression; I made this mostly for gameplay flavour. Eventually I'd love to add a script that adds a random tip amount each shift, so if anyone has ideas for how to do this, please let me know.

Job offer text: "Cafés, diners, and bistros are popping up on every street, and all of them need staff. It's not glamorous and the work is hard, but restaurant hosts welcome customers in from the cold, offering friendly chatter and cozy booths. Keep the food coming and the drinks flowing, paste on a smile and wear sensible shoes. Just remember - the customer isn't always right."

Restaurant Host, (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 50 simoleans p/h, 6pm - 12pm midnight): "Delivering food, refilling drinks, presenting bills - the life of a restaurant host never stops. You'll need to answer questions on the fly and sibstitute ingredients on a whim, all the while being polite to demanding customers. Rushed off your feet? That's an understatement."

Has three custom skill tones:

Clean Tables (boost performance, lower hygiene)
Cook Food (increases Cooking)
Tend the Bar (increases Mixology)

Translating: I'm not fluent enough in any other languages to translate, so if you're interested in translating this career into your own language, please download the Language Strings file and open in up in Notepad.
<STR>Translate This Text</STR>

Do this for the entire file, then attach the translation to a comment and I'll update as soon as possible!

Credits: I used MissyHissy's - Creating A Sims 3 Career: The Mega Tutorial to make this; highly recommend if you want to make your own custom careers.