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New Major! - Multiculturalism

806 Downloads 111 Thanks  Thanks 6 Favourited 13,654 Views
Uploaded: 14th Dec 2007 at 12:35 PM
Hey Everyone.

I'm back with a new major in luggage. This time - Multiculturalism (Study of different cultures)

For it to work you will need to download FrikaC's MajorsMadeEasier.

The main skills are - Creativity, Cooking, Logic, Charisma.

Here are the classes for each semester -

Freshman Term 1 - Landscapes of Countries: Australia is not one big desert!
Freshman Term 2 - International Recipes 1: Haggis - Gaining knowlege from the lamb's brain

Sophomore Term 1 - Counting to 10 in other languages: Itchy, Knee, Son, She, Go, Rocku....
Sophomore Term 2 - International Slang: Bloke, Beauty, Barbie, Bullocks, Bangers...

Junior Term 1 - Intenational Recipes 2: Sushi - Is raw fish healthy? Of course!
Junior Term 2 - International Sports: French Cricket - are you sure they invented it?

Senior Term 1 - Places of the World: Counting the theme parks
Senior Term 2 - Strange Spelling: Qatar - Isn't a U supposed to go after the Q?

I have added the skills needed for each semester aswell if anyone would like it. Thanks to WhiteRider for her great tutorial on Majors. Also, I am taking requests for majors. I am not taking career requests... yet....

Remember, Do not upload this or any of my other creations to any other site, even the Exchange!

Have fun

Crows -

Additional Credits:
Thanks to -
Moderators + Delphy
Custom Content Creators
WhiteRider SimPE