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#1 Old 7th Mar 2007 at 4:03 AM
Default Wizard Recolors
Hello I really enjoy making my own paintings in paintshop and corel and uploading them into my games. I've been using the wizard program but I have been unable to use any of the paintings as a base other than the corkboards.. all the other paintings say the are unaccesible right now. Is this just a problem I'm haveing or not.. is there a way to access all the other paintings?? Your help will be appreciated. Thanks
Part-time Hermit
#2 Old 7th Mar 2007 at 4:10 AM
Do you have the CEP correctly installed? I would try reinstalling it. You need the CEP to recolor most of the paintings in the game.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 7th Mar 2007 at 5:24 PM Last edited by lunacatkitten : 7th Mar 2007 at 5:40 PM.
yea I have CEP installed. I'll try reinstalling but I'm not sure that this is the problem. I've been able to recolor two of the paintings, It all runs very smooth I just can't find more than two that are availible for recolor. They all say cant be recolored (yet)
ok so I reinstalled CEP and I've got more pics.. still kinda weird but it'll work, Thanks so much for your help :D
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