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One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#876 Old 4th May 2024 at 1:56 PM
I've warmed to the little characters. I love how they look slightly defensive like they've just walked into a room full of hostile strangers, with their arms held tightly by their sides and their shoulders all tense. I think it's actually something they're looking to fix but I'd love if we can give our characters a trait that would make that their default posture.

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
#877 Old 4th May 2024 at 3:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Inge Jones
I've warmed to the little characters. I love how they look slightly defensive like they've just walked into a room full of hostile strangers, with their arms held tightly by their sides and their shoulders all tense. I think it's actually something they're looking to fix but I'd love if we can give our characters a trait that would make that their default posture.

e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#878 Old 4th May 2024 at 3:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Inge Jones
I've warmed to the little characters.

That's really good to hear a positive view on this. There is a certain charm to it, I was just a little worried that we wouldn't be able to change this at all. At one point the arm posture was looking better in their videos, and then I was seeing videos where it reverted. Maybe they went back to an earlier build, or maybe based on what was mentioned a few posts back, this is due to the default being narrow, and players will be able to amend individuals. I love the way the rest of it is looking, though!

Another thing that occurred to me is that Tectonic really are victims of the moment- they rushed to show LBY before Project Rene to take the wind out of EA's sails, and offering an alternative to Paralives. But then, the whole playing field was completely scuppered by Inzoi coming out of nowhere, and demonstrating what a huge budget can do. Everything looks pathetic compared to Inzoi's realism, I'm just thinking that Paralives might win on gameplay, and LBY might do well for those who love to customise. I'm sure there will be something that appeals to everyone, which is a really good place for us players to be in!
Top Secret Researcher
#879 Old 4th May 2024 at 4:32 PM
I don't really worry about the actual look (that's what CC is for) but the proportions are still really odd, the animations are still odd (the walk and the interactions; the way the guy ended the beach collecting looked like he has serious back problems and possibly a gaping wound that he was trying not to aggravate; never even mind the jumps in between movements).

If the proportions don't work, the animations will look wonky even if they improve. Combine that with sims that don't actually talk, it creates huge problems with immersion for me. And that is quite a big problem for me.

So, yes, I don't think I will buy this in Early Access.

If I need to build a new computer for a new game, it better be worth it.
Lab Assistant
#880 Old 4th May 2024 at 7:12 PM
Having such 3d models for a game is a big oversight in my opinion. The possibility that the animations cannot get better saddens me.

I understand that both an artistic style and an art direction are subjective which means that it is open to interpretation by the community. You can choose an art style and you can think that you made the right choice and that is perfectly fine. But, when a product, specifically a game in this case, is on the market, the public will eventually decide if the game is worthy of our time as well as the critics.
#881 Old 4th May 2024 at 7:29 PM Last edited by FREEDOM_55 : 4th May 2024 at 8:29 PM. Reason: added quotes from article
Quote: Originally posted by Ramaru
Is this confirmed in the discord? If so, that means they're bigger than Paralives, not nearly as big as EA, and likely totally eclipsed by the inZOI team. I think one of the biggest problems is some people imagined because this is Paradox, they would be on the same level as EA production-wise.

My source is a couple of rambles in his videos & interviews with Rod Humble, a few articles, Reddit, and LinkedIn. No harassment, strictly for research and science purposes for anyone interested.

Quote: Originally posted by eugene_b
They're a small team of mostly mobile game developers trying to make "the biggest life sim ever" as their first project, and that sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. Especially since their decision-making is questionable at best. Why did they have a single artist working on such a big game for years?

one of many articles: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/n...ow-you-can-play
Quote: Originally posted by some direct quotes from epicgames article linked above

Art director Richard Khoo also came from a background in mobile games, where he often worked alone or in small teams, iterating on new games. He jumped at the chance to work on a big PC project. For a long time, he was still the only artist on the team. "I've worked at a lot of startups, so I'm really familiar with trying to build something from the ground up," he says.

Even now, as the game approaches its Early Access release, the team-size is only a handful of people. "We like to stay pretty agile," he says. "That way, we can experiment, and play with things, making sure that we're creating something that our audience wants. It allows us to be focused on the things that really matter."....When Khoo began on Life by You, he and the team knew roughly what they wanted, in terms of art direction. "We wanted to differentiate ourselves," he explains. "I wanted to find a good balance between something that is not too cartoony and not too realistic."

Quote: Originally posted by more quotes from article
Prior to Life by You, Culver worked in the mobile games sector. She doesn't miss the monetize-first design imperatives of mobile development. "I'm excited to be working in the PC space, and putting all my energy into just making it fun. Since The Sims was one of the first games that I really got into as a kid, it feels like my career's coming full circle, which is nice."

LinkedIn pages:

17 people on the team according to linkedin, might not reveal the whole picture, but it probably reveals most of it


senior game designer page, mobile game developer. Also, look through other similar profiles, most of them are paradox tectonic members

#882 Old 7th May 2024 at 3:49 PM Last edited by FREEDOM_55 : 7th May 2024 at 4:43 PM.
In the game Life By You, there will be no queue system implemented intentionally, as confirmed by the creator Rod Humble. This decision is made to "enhance immersion and establish a stronger personal connection with each character". Humble finds it "more enjoyable" and encourages players to try out this RPG-style approach. While some may prefer a more traditional simulation experience, Humble's design choice aims to set his game apart from the Sims franchise. The absence of a queue system may be challenging for players accustomed to it, especially considering its popularity as a feature in previous versions of the Sims.

Controversial decision as it's received by the life sim gaming community close to early access. Some of you may have known already, but it is shocking news to me. A very bold decision but I am trying to be open-minded as my experience is limited to the Sims 1 to 3. Anyone's thoughts on this?

Some random experts from elsewhere on players' thoughts and responses:

The biggest thing that just keeps bugging me is how in every gameplay I've seen, we have to control every single task.The idea that I have to sit down and micromanage every step of the way if I want my character to do something for an extended period of time is going to drive me up the wall.Like crafting sounds really cool and all but if I want to delegate that task to a character for a few hours and switch to somebody else at the park, it looks like it's going to be a pain in the ass to do.

Yeah I agree 100%, even though I am one of those aforementioned players that play as if I were the character, I can't help but think of the gameplay systems objectively and how it would affect a huge amount of players in a game like this. Even I eventually transition into household management after playing as one character for a while, but all things considered I do feel like this is an issue that could easily be solved by doing what's proven to work for all play styles rather than doubling down on the "immersion" reason we were given.Yeah I'm going to try it out like I'm being encouraged to, but as someone who has been playing games like this for decades and seeing that the gameplay is heavily based on existing an franchise, it's not hard to see where the issues are going to be.I wish good luck to those players trying to do their maxed out household challenges without being able to queue any actions at all.

I am feeling the exact same way.I already know myself that I'll be irritated by:
Click - Plant Seeds. Wait. Click - Plant Seeds. Wait .Click - Water Plant.Wait .Click - Water Plant. And so on....
I always queue up tasks to have my character play them out, even if I'm just playing a single character.So probably until this function is implemented, I'll more than likely just focus on building lots, community venues, setting up neighborhoods, changing settings for certain things, learning to mod my game, and not actually "play" the game.
I know the devs said they wanted players to try it this way first because they felt it would be more immersive.Well maybe if I played like I was the character, that may be, but I don't play that way. I'm the director setting up scenes for my characters. So having to micromanage every single action I want my character to do would get old within the first hour.I personally think it all falls back on how it seems the game was built solely as a single player game. (I don't mean not a multi-player game, but as in you control one person at a time and live their life.)You can tell that was the focus by the fact the conversation system is only 1-on-1, there's only a single person cooking/eating system, and the fact group activities didn't seem to have been a thought when making the game.I'm sure eventually all of these things will be implemented once the devs learn that yeah, a lot of players want an action queue and group activities because they play more than a single person household.

There is, of course, a minority of players who are uninformed about the technicalities of a queue system in the game and therefore don't care or understand. Or some mistakenly blame the Sims 4 broken AI and thus feel burnt by their implementation of the queue system, so they gladly embrace the change. Some are excited to play as an RPG (as one character) as a preference.

What do you guys think?
Field Researcher
#883 Old 7th May 2024 at 5:38 PM Last edited by kirabook : 7th May 2024 at 6:35 PM.
Hm, I think this is simply another "split" in the genre and how people want to play. The super micromanagy nature of LBY might appeal to very controlling simmers who don't give their sims free will. Or simmers who actually like a little bit of chaos and the GTA style of life sim. Or the simmers who literally only play one character (usually a young adult) and not much else. As an FFXIV player, this pretty much sounds just like an mmo or what I imagine Second Life to be like with the click click click mentioned. There is an audience for this and it can still appeal to the crowd that wouldn't normally play their life sim like this.

I would hope this means the AI (programmed AI not generative AI) of the characters you aren't currently controlling are not only smart enough to to take care of themselves, but can also build skills and do complicated tasks without the input of the player.

Imagine playing a 3 person household and none of them will cook unless you control them and pick out the ingredients. None of them will do extra stuff at work unless you tell them to. Etc etc. So yes, I think for a system like this to work to the fullest, their characters need to be VERY smart. They need to be able to do all the things you can do unattended else things will start feeling pretty shallow.

Edit: I've been thinking, maybe comparing LBY to The Sims was a wrong marketing move. The more we learn, the more this just feels like Second Life 2.
Test Subject
#884 Old 7th May 2024 at 5:43 PM Last edited by madoka99 : 9th May 2024 at 1:48 PM.
I find it weird they make this game so highly customizable to allow players to play however they want, but when it comes to queue system it's suddenly "No, you can only play it in an RPG-style way." Why not just give players an option? You know, like they do with all the other stuf?
Smeg Head
#885 Old 7th May 2024 at 6:12 PM
With no interaction queue to speak of, then the thing that may become the most annoying will be how fast is the autonomy set. If you can only command to do one thing at a time, then the sprite may always be fighting you to rush off and do something else autonomously before you get a chance to punch in the next - and only - command. A constant struggle unfolds. If the autonomy is slow, with plenty of time for you to punch in next command each and every time, then that works in the scenarios where you wish sprite to do many things consecutively, but when you just want to sit back and let them get on with things themselves, it'll be a snooze fest. (Much like the Sims 4 and its infamous simulation lag holding up sims from getting on with things quicker.)

To get around it, not only will we need the traditional Autonomy On/Off switch for either one sprite or all sprites (As like TS4, but please make it more easily "on the fly" accessible than dozy TS4 has where getting to autonomy options is almost as laborious as going through a load screen.) but also a never before seen feature (Outside of mods.) inside game to control the speed at which autonomy flows and pushes sprites. Cheers, Rod & Co, if you're tuning in here. That'll do nicely.

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - simsasylum.com My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#886 Old 7th May 2024 at 10:18 PM

I find going to the shops slightly pointless, especially since there's no checkout clerk and till.
#887 Old 7th May 2024 at 11:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample

I find going to the shops slightly pointless, especially since there's no checkout clerk and till.

For my character to shop yes. Prefer to buy from fridge, so I don't have to remember what I need for every dish. But I do like owning a shop for my character to sell items. I do wonder how that works though. Like is there actually an inventory you have to maintain?

Also, this has been mentioned in the comment section on youtube. The character's arms move in a scary way when he is eating. Shoulder cuffs seem to do a 360 almost.
Test Subject
#888 Old 8th May 2024 at 1:40 AM
Alright, I'm just going to say it, I'm expecting a bloodbath next month. It will be meme'd to death and back. First impressions leave a lasting effect and that's especially so for simmers. The game is just not where it should be even for early access when they're wanting people to spend $40 on a project that feels like it was just started a few months ago. The gameplay is very bare bones. You have collecting, crafting, very basic jobs, and a conversation and socialization system...have I missed anything? Then bare in mind none of these systems even seem to be all that deep. I could be a little more forgiving toward the project if the "deep gameplay systems" we were expecting given Rod Humble's general game design philosophy were there. But the game is both ugly as sin and very shallow mechanically at the moment. What exactly is the selling point for that $40 early access here?

It's hard to even tell what the game wants to convey or what direction it wants to go in outside of fan requests. It is absolutely crucial for developers to have their own vision or we'll just end up with ... a cobbled together mess of randomly requested features. I understand they want to develop the game with the fanbase and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. In fact, that's a prospect I'm incredibly excited about. It's just that the two aren't mutually exclusive. I can almost guarantee just like with the art direction, they don't have a unifying vision for the game. Its meant to be a blank canvas for us to customize. And that's a huge problem. No amount of modding can give a game its own identity and soul. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig, blah blah blah.

And frankly, if Rod thinks most simmers can relate to the collectathon crafting gameplay style that he likes, then he is very off-base and I start to question his suitability to the project. One of the only elements of game design and direction I can clearly see is the push to include collecting and crafting aspects on everything in the game. That this is the big main feature for early access is wild. Again, a $40 early access where the biggest feature is something that most of your fanbase historically despises? How is one meant to maintain confidence in a project so obscenely misguided?

Really, I'm just disappointed. I was excited to see what the legendary Rod Humble would do with a modern life simulator but it really seems like he's stuck in early 2000s game dev mentality. Another Todd Howard, if you would. And yes, theres still much development to go but when the foundations are currently being built and its looking like this, you don't expect that it will be a strong standing house.
Lab Assistant
#889 Old 8th May 2024 at 8:46 AM
The more I see of this game, the more I come to a reason that it does not fit my gameplay style. Collecting and gardening is great and I love how it is implemented in TS3 with the cutting machine from the Supernatural expansion pack and the display boxes from the first expansion pack.

However, what draws me to TS is the family gameplay or, to be more clear, playing with families. Collecting and gardening is just an extra bonus and those are not main features. It is great that it is all connected. For example, how collecting vegetables and fruits restocks your fridge. That is also a feature in TS2.

But, TS2 did it much simpler and that is great. There are mods that allow more types of plants to be grown for those who want more variety. To me, this does not matter so much. I do have such mods, but that is just a bonus.

I want to see characters interacting in complex ways like the interactions in TS2, family gameplay and the chemistry system. I want to see believable animations and facial expressions so that I can capture their best moments like having a birthday party or a date. LBY has not delivered that just yet.
#890 Old 9th May 2024 at 1:33 AM
Yeah, I haven't seen any families so far. Just households with adult characters that seem to live independent from each other. Maybe for next time when they want to showcase the open world, instead of collecting or looking at a sunset, follow a random family going through their day.
Also, where is the action queue? Multi member household without action queue is not fun.

I mean, I love the customization so far. This part probably stands head and shoulders above their competition. But the gameplay still needs a lot of work it seems.
#891 Old 9th May 2024 at 10:11 AM Last edited by FREEDOM_55 : 9th May 2024 at 10:31 AM. Reason: Added part 2
Quote: Originally posted by mithrak_nl
Yeah, I haven't seen any families so far. Just households with adult characters that seem to live independent from each other. Maybe for next time when they want to showcase the open world, instead of collecting or looking at a sunset, follow a random family going through their day.
Also, where is the action queue? Multi member household without action queue is not fun.

I mean, I love the customization so far. This part probably stands head and shoulders above their competition. But the gameplay still needs a lot of work it seems.

There will be no pregnancy, children, or babies upon early access release but will add it later on. No toddlers planned but we can request it. No young adult stage but maybe aging is handled differently than the Sims, so no need to add it. In the character creator there is a 5 limit per household and in game can add 3 more to household.

On completely separate note:
Rod Humble and the LBY team wanted a more adult and mature life sim. They did bold things like including private parts and no censoring nudity. Yet Initially Humble was not going to add death(s), violence, consequences, and illness, and then they decided to include it when enough of the community early on voiced their disapproval. Today in the thread below, is the first time they confirmed their game rating: it will be PEGI-16. And with that we can finally know the level on what to expect regarding sex, drugs, violence etc in the future. Which is a big deal because previously they were telling us conflicting features and messages.

There is a lot of new information in the Ask the Team thread transcript posted today, anyone intrested:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Mad Poster
#892 Old 9th May 2024 at 10:07 PM
There is no interaction queue? That be something excrutiating thing that sucks the fun of a Sims game. I played with that, on top of no time-control options - The Sims Freeplay sucks ass even with hacked version. A life simulation game isn’t fun when you can’t micromanage their taskS, are souless chess figurines, and when you cant speed up their actions.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#893 Old 9th May 2024 at 10:13 PM
Forum Resident
#894 Old 10th May 2024 at 5:36 AM
No interaction queue!

Well there goes my gameplay style. I like to play houses of 6 to 8 sims with no autonomy on. Hah! Imagine Sims 4 like that, while I'm trying to find the button to choose my next action... everyone else is chatting on social media, watching TV or having affairs. Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!!

BTW I am currently trying to set up MCCC to stop some of this behaviour. So far I I've stopped random affairs and PC chat, but now, if left alone, they all try to find a PC and "browse the web" instead

β™₯ Receptacle Refugee β™₯ Now playing Sims 4 but not as EA intended.....
#895 Old 10th May 2024 at 9:23 AM Last edited by FREEDOM_55 : 10th May 2024 at 9:50 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Oh yes, this is my jam!

Their world building tool, which they call it their Region Editor, looks really intuitive and customizable. It seems more approachable than sims 3 CAW, which is a skill and art in itself.Upon final release of the game, I might actually become a world builder if I purchase it.

I like how we can place a lot any where and they should keep stair foundation feature! πŸ˜‚ I would be happy in regards to editing land etc they gave us city skylines ( same publidher) or Sim City levels of customization.

I don't like how the world cannot be physically edited without Unity, a third party program outside of game. Where is the terrain editing, No water tool? How do I place roads? Don't get me wrong being able to import custom terrain from Unity is all cool and all. I am assuming they will be giving us a custom plug-in?They need to add this to the Region creator, unless they are literally training us to become developers ourselves.

At first I was excited that out of all of their competitors they seem to give us the biggest base world. Upon reflection, however, I'm not so sure that is a good thing.

1. Lag:computer capabilities to handle the AI simulation, routing, and renders. The engine most be optimized for such a large open world. The video has so much lag in their region editor and I assuming they have strong machines. This must be dealt with before early access.

2. Travel time: Yes they showed I could teleport but that just breaks immersion to use all the time, no? Especially with no queue I would be so impatient.

3. How dense can the computer handle populating and crowds to such a large map. They said you could adjust this in settings. So we will have to wait and see.

I rather have a small living , breathing, populated town/ city than a large lifeless empty map.

*edit* OMG it just occurred to me. In this what LBY looks on its best highest settings, how will look on its medium or lower settings? 😭 What if in order to run it I need to lower my settings? I will buy the BEST gaming PC , however, as we seen with the sims 3, none of that matters if the engine is not optimized.
#896 Old 10th May 2024 at 12:32 PM
Interaction queue should depend on circumstances. To speak from real life experience: after I wake up in the morning, I am on autopilot for a while, doing this and that more or less automatically => quite a queue necessary. After I've had my first cup of coffee and my first cigarette, my brain finally switches on but I still have to do some things => a short queue. If I go out during the break for (a lemonade, another coffee, a pint, a bottle of cheap wine, a line of heroin - well, it seems to be that kind of a game) one command is fine; and then, see what happens.
Top Secret Researcher
#897 Old 10th May 2024 at 3:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FREEDOM_55
I like how we can place a lot any where and they should keep stair foundation feature! πŸ˜‚ I would be happy in regards to editing land etc they gave us city skylines ( same publidher) or Sim City levels of customization.

I don't like how the world cannot be physically edited without Unity, a third party program outside of game. Where is the terrain editing, No water tool? How do I place roads? Don't get me wrong being able to import custom terrain from Unity is all cool and all. I am assuming they will be giving us a custom plug-in?They need to add this to the Region creator, unless they are literally training us to become developers ourselves.


Those were also my main concerns. What I saw was a more flexible and somewhat more extensive version of TS3's "Edit Town" function but it doesn't appear that I can create or modify an actual map without Unity. Not that I'm a world builder but it doesn't appear that this game would make me one. I've played around with CAW a few times but I don't have the patience to learn and make a world that's actually playable. I would need a simple an intuitive tool for that. Something like with TS2.

Granted, it's still great but I didn't see anything particularly new? I still can't make or edit the terrain, add ponds, hills, mountains, caves, or roads ingame. Come to think of it, I still haven't seen that kind of capability on lots either, or did I miss something?

Yes, loved the staircase so the lot becomes accessible regardless of where you put it.
#898 Old 10th May 2024 at 7:34 PM
Default Latest Update Video: Jobs & Money
Posted an hour ago on the offical the Life by YouTube channel:

#899 Old 10th May 2024 at 8:09 PM Last edited by FREEDOM_55 : 10th May 2024 at 10:55 PM.
Yesterday's Ask the Team Q&A transcript: https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeByYou/s/LhJZa82F51

Things to note from the Q&A:
- you can't pause or alter aging
- you cannot edit roads & bridges in the region editor and they have no immediate plans to change it during early access

I asked a question but I did not get an answer πŸ˜’. The question was:
Quote: Originally posted by FREEDOM_55
Are the default characters you have shown in the most recent released videos and screenshots the final decided look? Is the anatomy finalized as in regards to the shoulders width and rotation, ribs, and arm length? Will further updates drastically change the appearance of the 3D base model mesh and rig? If so when precisely will these changes be made and exactly will be those changes we can expect?

Answer: Rocio says that Rod would more than likely be addressing these things in the next few weeks with more detail.

Quote: Originally posted by FREEDOM_55
By receiving a clear response and confirmation to these questions potential players will be able to adjust their expectations accordingly. This will allow the developers to focus on other aspects of the game without constant feedback on character appearances. Paralives, for example, confirmed their character design early on, leading to a positive reception and reputation.

Ensuring transparency and honesty in addressing these concerns will be greatly appreciated by everyone involved. It will also prevent any potential scandals or disappointment upon the game's early access release. However, if the developers choose not to directly confirm that the character base models are final, it may create further confusion and negative speculation among the community. I hope LBY team is not using this as a advertising tactic to create hype and false expectations of the future characters appearance that won't be fulfilled in the final game.

Furthermore, the community requests that the developers clearly disclose the build version used in released videos and video descriptions on their official channel. This will help consumers manage their expectations, especially regarding visuals. Consistency in presenting the game features on a specific build version, as seen in other early access games on Steam, would be beneficial for all parties involved.

I had to phrase my question like in the first quote because they will claim they need more detail. I was mainly looking for them to confirm if its the final look or not. And not cosmetic changes like texture & normal maps or shaders.
Forum Resident
#900 Old 11th May 2024 at 12:20 AM
Good Job @Freedom_55!!! You're asking the kind of questions I'm curious and concerned about.
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