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Personal Trainer Fix

3,862 Downloads 179 Thanks  Thanks 32 Favourited 8,758 Views
Uploaded: 15th Jul 2022 at 5:50 PM
Fixes an issue that exercise equipment sometimes doesn't let a sim be a personal trainer due to an attribute not being properly cleared after previous use.

Bonus "money" version adds a tweak to trainer's pay. Sims with maxed out body skill and fitness hobby get paid double amount per hour.
Unmodded it is $70 x 2 = $140. (Hobby is only checked if FT is installed.)

Requirements: University. There are after Free Time and before Free Time versions. Choose according to your setup. I only tested on Ultimate Collection.

Download only ONE version of the mod.

Conflicts: haven't seen any yet.

May conflict with any mod that overrides the same resource:
Interaction - Personal Trainer | 0x7F9AB517 | 0x00002018