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Knobbs Double Door Recolours

6,445 Downloads 137 Thanks  Thanks 24 Favourited 6,934 Views
Uploaded: 29th Nov 2020 at 4:53 AM
Updated: 27th Feb 2021 at 9:10 AM
Here are 12 recolours of the 3t2 Knobbs Double Door (Summer Door)

(12-13-'20) If you downloaded this before my InspectorGray recolour package wasn't included in the recolour zip though now it is. So that you won't have to download the zip again to just get one missing recolour here's a link (SFS) just pertaining to the InspectorGray recolour package though the zip here is fixed.

I did change the texture of the mesh in case anyone would like all doors to match or because it is slightly similar to a colour I used.
If you do choose the changed one which is 'KnobbsDD_InspectorGray_amovitam_ClaudetteCorleone_MESH' just get rid of the InspectorGrey recolour package. Anyways, if you decide to download, thank you!

Note: It does not go on diagonal walls as there is no file provided for a diagonal door mesh and I just realized that this door is actually called Summer Door in the Sims 3 though in game Amovitam called it Knobbs Double Door so I'll go with that name.

MESH converted by Amovitam is included.
Original Mesh Site: https://amovitamsim.livejournal.com/26283.html

Catalog Name: Knobbs Double Door
Price: $575
Found in Doors & Windows/Doors

Polygons: 514

All rights belong to their respective owners, I don't claim any right over them.

Colour Palette:
1926 by Shastakiss

Additional Credits: