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Daisybank Retirement Home

1,951 Downloads 143 Thanks  Thanks 23 Favourited 19,858 Views
Uploaded: 8th Oct 2011 at 4:36 PM
Updated: 4th Jan 2012 at 8:46 PM
My first lot upload!

Welcome to Daisybank Retirement Home!

There are 6 apartment units, each of which comes with a living area, bathroom, kitchen and double bedroom. Each also has a fenced in garden at the back (some with greenhouses/gardening spaces)

They have a wide range in price - from $2,049 to $4,722.

All are furnished (as shown in pictures) but in order to rent furnished apartments, boolprop testingcheatsenabled true must be turned on, then shift click on the required apartment door, and click "rent furnished".

Let me know of any bugs you find; the lot is fully play tested, so there shouldn't be any!

Lot Size: 5x6
Lot Price: 211650

Custom Content by Me:
- Recolour
- Recolour
- Recolour

Custom Content Included:
- Fake Mailbox by Windkeeper
- Path to Meadow - brownstones by Gwenke33
- Tulips mesh by Nengi65
- Yellow Tulips by Nengi
- made by [email protected] by nefertiti781