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4 base game female hairs for males

23,054 Downloads 774 Thanks  Thanks 159 Favourited 67,265 Views
Uploaded: 21st Jan 2011 at 11:31 PM

I just simply enabled these for males. The textures and everything are the same as the original female versions'.

All of these hairs are for teen to elder males.
They look, work and recolor exactly like the female versions.
In the pictures of the Vintage hair are default replacement textures by aikea guinea. You'll have to download those from the provided link (in additional credits) if you wish to have those textures of the hair. You can also choose not to download those, as the hair is packaged with game's own default textures.

Long straight hair: 2592 polygons
Short straight hair: 2268 polygons
Long hair with scarf: 2690 polygons
Vintage hair: 2350 polygons

All of the CC on models faces by me (majority of them available in my downloads), except the brows on asian dude, blonde mama and dominatrix are by Helaene.

And in case anyone happens to doubt.. yes, these models are all males. I like me some fierce drag-tastic ladies.

Additional Credits:
Default replacement textures of the Vintage hair by aikea guinea