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Aquariums Create Community Dummies

4,726 Downloads 848 Thanks  Thanks 57 Favourited 51,288 Views
Uploaded: 8th Jan 2009 at 1:00 AM
Updated: 8th Jan 2009 at 2:30 AM
In The Sims 1, community lots with aquariums and other pet containers or cages were always stocked (had community dummies). In The Sims 2, pet cages and containers (dog pen, womrat cage, bird cage) are also stocked with dummies but aquariums were forgotten! I made a fix for this issue, aquariums will now be stocked when visited on community lots.

Aquariums on community lots are stocked with dummy fish.

  • Free Fish - Fish will be created on every community lot. Does not require EPs (EP-ready, will update Pets aquarium).
  • No Free Fish (original download) - Fish will be created on every community lot not owned by a Sim (no free fish for pet shop owners). Requires Open For Business or any later EP, such as Seasons, FreeTime, Garden & Mansion, etc.

v1.0: Initial release. (2009/01/05)
v1.01: New flavor was added; free fish. (2009/01/07)

Custom Aquariums:
Custom aquariums cloned from large saltwater aquarium (Pets) need an update in order to create community dummies, such as this one by lastrie. Replace custom aquarium's "Function - Main" with one included in my package.

Additional Credits:
Ailias, for requesting this.
Numenor, for helping me with the fish on head issue.