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Red dog (Dhole)

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Uploaded: 6th Jan 2009 at 6:36 PM
Updated: 8th Jun 2009 at 7:54 PM
The Dhole is an ice age survivor like the Gray Wolf.
The Dhole exploits a large variety of habitats. It normally inhabits dry and moist deciduous forests and thick jungles, as well as tropical rain forests, which all provide better cover for hunting.
Solitary Dholes usually limit themselves to small prey such as Chital fawns and Indian Hares, while a pair or trio of Dholes suffices to kill medium sized ungulates such as deer in 2 minutes.
The pelage of the back and flanks is red to brown in colour, while the foreneck, chest and undersides are white or lightly gingered. The fur of specimens from southern ranges is typically short and rusty red, while that of more northern subspecies is longer and more yellow or brown in colour. Dholes from Thailand are more uniform brown, and lack the typical lighter throat and chest, while those from Himalayan regions have more yellowish fur.
(from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhole )

After making this dog for a friend I decided to upload it here too.