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'Bird-watcher' - outfit for men + mesh

1,051 Downloads 212 Thanks  Thanks 9 Favourited 12,073 Views
Uploaded: 10th Apr 2008 at 2:35 PM

This mesh was requested by my friend Akulina. Nothing special here, just an average mesh and outfit for the guys

Special credit goes to RabidAngel whose wonderful work inspired me for these.
Credit for the beautiful hair my model wears goes to HystericalParoxysm

You can do whatever you want with these mesh and skin, copy, alter, re-colour, re-upload... credit would be nice

Polygon Counts:
Faces = 1884
Vertices = 1303

Additional Credits:
RabidAngel for the inspiration
EAxis SimPE team
wes_h for UniMesh plugins
tiggerypum for tutorials
Akulina for the request and chewing me to upload these