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Painting Set: modern illustrations

187 Downloads 48 Thanks  Thanks 10 Favourited 8,967 Views
Uploaded: 4th Aug 2007 at 12:22 AM
A week back I did a set of paintings based along a fun, modern theme. Let's just say, these paintings go very well in all your University housings, and any other homes young Sims occupy. Sort of cartooney, part - cutesy, part - funky. =)

the artists, left to right: Tado, The Design Unit, Monica Rief

The base meshes come from Stylist Sims. The square one is from Office 2 (downloads page 3) and the rectangular one is from Bedroom 1 (downloads page 1). I've attached images to show exactly which ones I'm talking about.

I hope you enjoy them; they're fast filling up my Sims' homes. Also, I'm doing more of the same sort of paintings... if you like these, I'll upload more.

Have fun!

Additional Credits:
Mango Sims for the armchair.
Modernsim for the end-table and lamp.
4Eversimfantasy for the floor lamp.
Bookcase is by SJM Design.
Holy Simoly carpet
Sim-Placement cement wall