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Alpha-Able skirt for teens

785 Downloads 92 Thanks  Thanks 2 Favourited 13,266 Views
Uploaded: 8th Nov 2006 at 5:18 PM
Updated: 29th Aug 2008 at 5:32 PM
EDIT: i just read Anouks post about custom content made with pets ep installed might not work for people without pets ep so i must warn-sorry for inconvenience.

Hi again,
here is a new alphabale skirt for teens,i worked hard on it and i hope you like it

Mesh Info:


Made With:

Milksape SimPE Installation Instructions:
extract the mesh to:
My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
with or without subfolder-
if there is no downloads folder make one
always keep d of Downloads capital-(when u make a downlaods folder yourself)
you need at least one recolor of this mesh for this to show-

Mesh Recoloring Policy
-You are free to recolour this mesh.
-You may include the mesh with your recolour on Both (Free or Pay) sites.(as long as you include my Read-Me with the Mesh)
-You must give me proper credits and provide a link to my mts2 profile wherever the Mesh is Posted.


-You are not allowed to modify or clone my mesh or claim it as your own.

these 3 files are available for download:

this is required for recolors to show

there are 2 recolors:

this is the recolor of skirt and it has transparency and its alpha-able


if you download this recolor then the recolor is alphabale but not transparent

if you want you can download both recolors too and the above files- transparent and non transparents are actually for comfot of recolors