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12 '2-Hued' recolours of XM Sims2 long straight mesh

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Uploaded: 22nd Aug 2006 at 3:22 PM

these are 12 '2-Hue' recolours of the fab XM Sims long straight hair mesh. gotta give thanks to Elina for her own 2 colour recolours of this same mesh that i downloaded a while ago (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=114830) - from these i got the inspiration to attempt recolouring and try out other colour combinations. sorry if the range is rather limited, i'll take requests if there's another colour combination you'd like to see and i'll post them if i get enough requests.

anyways these are for all ages, although each one has a desaturated version for the elders. i hope you like them.

i'm working on a tipped version of these same recolours, so if they go well
and look any decent i'll post them up too.

plectrum jewellery - by Nicolafred (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=142038)
eyes - mask by PeggySims
eyeshadow - by Helaene
