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Sailor Moon - Tuxedo Kamen

1,491 Downloads 81 Thanks  Thanks 10 Favourited 23,278 Views
Uploaded: 16th Jun 2006 at 5:32 AM
Okay, I forgot everything I was planning to talk about...

There are 2 versions, one anime, one realistic. The anime one is generic because Mamoru is generic. Seriously. The realistic one is from PGSM and includes the PGSM mask.

Can't remember what else I had to say, so here are the credits:

http://louis.new21.net/skin/Louis_main_06hair06.html -hair
http://louis.new21.net/skin/Louis_m...skintone01.html -animated version skin
http://www.helaene.com/ makeup/skintones/eyes/eyebrows
All else: Maxis(to include clothing)

Oh yeah...