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JRock Dir En Grey Posters!!!

403 Downloads 79 Thanks  Thanks 3 Favourited 12,833 Views
Uploaded: 30th Dec 2005 at 4:14 AM
Here is another upload in my JRock Poster series!

I bring you posters of the horrifically dark and beautiful group Dir En Grey!

The downloads are broken into two groups. The first set are photos of the group members together and the second set are of individual photos of the members. All pics are ones that I have collected from various places around the net.

Below are pictures of the posters in my game. The meshes used for the posters are "Civic Idol", "Lady In Red", "Surfing The Universe" and "Poisonous Forest". All meshes came with the Sims game and it's EPs.

If anyone has any problems with any of these please let me know!!!

Thank you and I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!!! :D