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Charmed Simmy's ( barbie/ken type )

4,918 Downloads 103 Thanks  Thanks 10 Favourited 50,803 Views
Uploaded: 12th Jun 2005 at 1:45 AM
Updated: 10th Nov 2008 at 5:06 AM - Updating
For those of you who do not like anatomicly correct sims...( My sims had to be removed from sims2 site because of it.)
here is a Barbie and Ken Version. You will find new clothing for your favorite sisters in these uploads.
Edit ~ 6-26-05 I have finished 2 of the 3 Valhalley of the dolls eppy outfits. Scrowl down to find them posted.

* Hair Mesh Requierd for long haired Piper* Long hair mesh from big bad Shar

:err: I have seen the other Charmed's Skins made and uploaded here. I have also read what you all have to say about them. As i am a Charmed simmy Crafter i prefer to remain :mute:on the subject of what i like or dislike about them.
Now i want to ask a fav.. I had to remove all my anatomicly correct sims from the sims2 site. So i am remaking many of my sims.
I want your :2cents:
Tell me Honestly how well you think i did on the them. No Holds Bard ( i am a big girl i can take it ) And after you do that tell me how you feel i can improve them.
Though don't ask for masks i prefer not to use those in my sim making.
I am not making any promises here i may not be able to make what you ask for. I Simply want to know that i am making something people like. Also i feel constructive critisism is a good thing..
So now that i have asked for it... Bombs away

added - 6-12-05 Paige,Piper,& Pheobe

Anatomicly Correct Charmed Simmy's Here

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