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1930s Great Depression Era Apron Dresses for Little Girls

2,462 Downloads 104 Thanks  Thanks 22 Favourited 5,106 Views
Uploaded: 2nd Jan 2021 at 8:21 AM
Updated: 4th Jan 2021 at 4:49 AM
A set of six charming 1930's Great Depression Era apron dresses for little girlies.

Bright and cheerful colors and trims, designed based on authentic fabrics, trims, styles, sewing patterns and images of the period.

Many such dresses would have been hand sewn by Mother on a treadle sewing machine run by foot power and will power. Times were hard, and fabrics were often colorful, patterned feed and flour sacks, repurposed.

The fat morph is pictured for the rose and green dress.


For age: Child

For gender: Female

Appears in CAS in: Child/Female: Everyday

Morphs included: Fat Morph

Mesh: included, 2256 polygons

Polygon Counts:
apron dress 2256 polygons