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Frappman Apartments

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Uploaded: 29th Mar 2005 at 7:04 AM
Here I am again, attempting to upload a lot properly this time. Last time when I uploaded Castle Rich I realized there was a slight bug, no lights on the second floor or the roof . Anyway, this time, with my new lot, which is basically another dorm lot, Frappman Apartments, I've tried my best to avoid any little mishaps like that again. The lot has 5 stories I think, there's the first floor, which contains the lobby, plus a cafeteria and two little side bits for just hanging out, the next three floors contain the apartments, which work just like dorm rooms, walk up and press 'Claim Door', and finally the roof, which is just... a roof I guess, that you can walk up to.

I got a few screenshots, the reason I didn't take a shot of all the floors was because the second, third and fourth floors (apartments) all look exactly alike.


PS: WinRAR will be needed to open the file because the actual Package file or whatever was around 2.6MBs.