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St. Philip Chattel Houses (No CC)

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Uploaded: 10th Sep 2014 at 5:29 PM
It's not one... It's not two... No - it's THREE little Chattel Houses in one package. These houses are big enough for a family or household of three sims.

House Details:

Size: 30x20

Price furnished: 61,541 § / unfurnished: 29,476 §

Please note: The price is for the house only. Depending on where you place the house, the full lot price will be added. This house was originally built in Willow Creek at the Bargain Bend lot. The lot itself costs 2,000 §, so if you place the house there, the full price will be 63,541 § (furnished) and 31,476 § (unfurnished).

  • master bedroom w/ double bed
  • 1 bedroom w/ single bed
  • 3 bathrooms (one in each house)
  • kitchen & master living room
  • children's living room
  • fire alarm
  • tv and radio
  • computer
  • Chess table
  • Bonsai tree & frontyard garden
  • Outdoor grill

No Custom Content was used to build the house. Requires The Sims 4 Base Game only.

The house has been saved and playtested with the game's latest patch (9/9/2014)

Additional Credits:
These chattel houses are not a complete copy but I got inspired by a picture (#20) I found on that internet page.

Lot Size: 30x20
Lot Price: F:61,541/U:29,476