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Life Eyes - With Defaults

455 Downloads 293 Thanks  Thanks 11 Favourited 20,141 Views
Uploaded: 30th May 2007 at 5:51 PM
Updated: 17th Jun 2007 at 6:17 PM
Edit: Added two sets of defaults, one light and one dark; both in the standard colours. ^^

This is IT. At least it feels that way.

I have, at last, managed to make eyes that are realistic, but that doesn't look like someone took a photo and copy/pasted.

I'm very happy with them ^_^
Now maybe I can go back to fantasy again, lol.

Pardon for the many similar colours but I wanted to make lots I'll be doing some more dark colours later, right now I feel I'm all recoloured out.
For now, there's 28 colours

If you like, I hope you'll leave a comment!

Take care all!
