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U.G.L.Y - sweaters for your not-so-fashionable males...

1,502 Downloads 209 Thanks  Thanks 18 Favourited 20,981 Views
Uploaded: 8th Feb 2007 at 5:36 PM
Updated: 9th Feb 2007 at 2:03 AM
After many, many hours of thorough research on marketplaces like Ebay and months of tedious labour in my laboratory, I now believe I finally can present to you the Four Ugliest Sweaters in the Universe!

The proof lies here in front of you, my friends! I'm 99.9% sure no man can create anything even the slightest bit uglier.

If you think can prove me wrong, please try! I dare you!

I take no responsibility for any harm these sweaters may cause your sims and/or your mental health after seeing them in game. Not suitable for persons with heart condition or well-developed easthetic senses.

Works for all EP:s or the base game alone. No mesh needed.

You may redistribute freely on free sites (not that I see why you would want to...) but you must give full credit to Bill Cosby!

Oh, and have fun!

Edit: I forgot to add a picture with close-ups, featuring or favourite geek Vidcund Curious in his (possibly?) first modeling job!