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blonde tips and bangs recolour of Plicka's Jrock mesh *by request*

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Uploaded: 24th Sep 2006 at 11:30 PM
hey everyone.

these recolours are based on a request from Kakashi_Hatake who wanted blonde tips on this Jrock hair mesh by Plicka. i've also done another version of this recolour, and this version includes the tips AND bangs coloured as well. sorry the textures aren't spectacularly realistic, these are my first attempts at trying to texturise hair. i'ma gon' keep trying and improving my textures though.

to avoid any confusion as to which file is which to download, the filename for just the tips is Jrock_blonde_tip.zip. the filename for the tips and bangs is Jrock_blonde_BT.zip

NOTE ON MESH: this mesh is by Plicka so please go to its respective post, read the info and download. i'm not gonna repeat it word-for-word but just so you know, my recolour is only for the 'see-through' version of the mesh, as this is the version that Kakashi has. this is not made for the other 'non see-through' version that Plicka has on another site (InSIMenator.net). please read her post and you'll know what the donkeys i'm talking about

if you do want to apply this recolour to her non see-through version of this mesh, feel free to do so (even though my textures aren't great lol). just give both of us some cred, mannnnn. by the way, these are for YA to elder males.

anyways i think i've cleared up everything. i really really hope you guys like. as if i haven't made this clear enough, i am a NOOOOObie at retexturing hair! thank you Kakashi_Hatake for your patience, i'm sorry it's taken me too too long!

peace ^_^