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20 Gorillaz posters!

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Uploaded: 19th Aug 2006 at 12:29 PM
20 Gorillaz Posters!

Yep, it's 20 poster recolors of my all-time favorite band, Gorillaz.

They are all recolors of the poster called "Engineered Angst Full-Color Poster" except the "2DFeelgood.package" one. That is a recolor of the "Civic Idol" poster.

Don't worry, they look a lot better in game. On the pictures they look crappy, but they're not when you have them in the game. But if they look fuzzy, you should try going into options and making everything high quality. It works wonders.

This is just the first bunch in a series of Gorillaz-themed recolors I'm making. Stay tuned...

I'm not sure if it requires the CEP, but you should get it anyway. http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=92541

Enjoy! ^_^ And remember, reject false icons!