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Adult Female "Ladies Sewing Circle & Terrorist Society" shirt

115 Downloads 66 Thanks  Thanks 3 Favourited 14,408 Views
Uploaded: 21st Jul 2006 at 10:46 AM
Updated: 27th Jul 2006 at 11:12 PM
"Motto: Well behaved women rarely make history
Ladies Sewing Circle & Terrorist Society is a place for Radical Ladies to gather and discuss sewing, politics, small armaments or whatever seems appropriate.
(note to Ashcroft, et al: we are not currently advocating the overthrow of the United States Government.)"

Started at the Oregon Women's Political Caucus in 1974, the "Ladies' Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society" is for the real society ladies down with the cause. Show your support with this burgandy shirt with society seal.

I want desperately to order myself one off of Bust.com, but am too blindingly poor to purchase it.

The official site for the society can be found here. They're not really terrorists, people.