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Aspiration Collection Part 5 - FORTUNE!!

346 Downloads 189 Thanks  Thanks 2 Favourited 28,418 Views
Uploaded: 29th Oct 2005 at 3:37 PM
Updated: 7th Mar 2009 at 11:56 PM by whiterider
A request made for C@!um_4_m@y0r - part of a set with more and more and... to come!

GUID is 0x000D6F12 - no overwriting
Has it's own icon - see attached
Focussed Skills: Charisma, Creativity, Body and Logic

Now with Portugese - merci Catarininha_94 (yes, yes, wrong language, I know!)

Fortune: Being absolutely stinking rich!

Basics 1: Penny Pinching
Basics 2: The Right Career

Rising Richness 1: Promotion BOO YAH!
Rising Richness 2: How to Avoid Being Dustin Broke!

Bonuses 1: Getting a 50,000 Bonus
Bonuses 2: Getting a 100,000 Bonus

Lap of Luxury 1: Reaching the Top of Your Career
Lap of Luxury 2: Being Absolutely Stinking Rich!

Pleasure and Grilled Cheese on the way, Romance, Popularity, Knowledge and Family already done - *pants loudly* only two more to go...
