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snowproof accessories and stuff

679 Downloads 65 Thanks  Thanks 18 Favourited 3,113 Views
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2023 at 10:13 PM
Updated: 24th Mar 2023 at 4:32 PM
Made no sense to me that some items in the game especially those that are supposedly taken out of pockets spawned snow covered.

snowproof_accessories.package makes some objects anti snow.


Items affected:


snow on accessories.package is a second file that makes a couple objects become snowy as I found that do not get covered with snow but should.

Conflict: in case of any conflict make sure this mod load first.

### Compatibility ###
(meaning it can load after the following mods)
- simNopke-foodAlreadyAvailableFix.package by Nopke

***update: 24-03-23 omg I forgot to mention that I deliberately omitted pets, bat and penguin from this mod as there is already a fix for them.
It is highly recommended. In case you don't have it already, download here https://modthesims.info/downloads.p...ort=0&fbf=0&u=0