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Default - Adult Female Slick Suit

417 Downloads 24 Thanks  Thanks 4 Favourited 1,918 Views
Uploaded: 1st Jan 2022 at 11:08 PM
Updated: 4th Jan 2022 at 10:20 PM by sumandak
I have always been bothered of why does Mary Sue has to wear this outfit with that clunky old shoes? A hardworking woman - she deserve better shoes! And if simmies are like me, they will notice others shoes as well. So this is the first outfit that I did a shoeswap. It was harder than I thought!

The new shoes are nicked from this outfit. I'm pretty sure they are both from the basegame. All textures are maxis original with morph and all the shoes are black - because black shoes goes with everything (right). Default are only for female adult/young adult. I didn't change the elder because I think they wouldn't really mind wearing that shoes as long as they are comfy and this will not change the journalism career outfit. Tested in-game and everything seems to be working fine.

Save this in your game download folder. To restore maxis outfit, just delete it from your folder.

Polygon - slightly lower than the original
faces - 2046
vertices - 1480
