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485 Downloads 32 Thanks  Thanks 7 Favourited 5,721 Views
Personal Picked Upload! This is a personal favourite of the creator!
Uploaded: 30th Jun 2019 at 10:40 AM
Updated: 28th Oct 2020 at 12:17 PM - Updated a broken link
Born Amenhotep IV (Amun is Satisfied) he was an 18th dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh ruled for seventeen years during what is better known as the Amarna period; in year of five of his reign he became devoted to the Egyptian sun God Aten, changing his name to Akhenaten (Effective for Aten) and implementing a new religion "Atenism," with the God Aten taking precedence over all previous Egyptian gods even having a new capital Akhetaten (Horizon of the Aten) built in the God's honor. He was married to the legendary Nefertiti, with whom he had at least six daughters. He may also have been the father of Tutankhamun. After his reign both Atenism and Akhetaten were abandon in favor of the old ways.

This sim is packaged with default skin, but with the other content shown!

Custom Sliders (Sliders are only required if you plan on editing him)

Eye brow depth, Forehead depth, Jawline height, Jawline soften, Jawline rotate Mouth Upper Lip Outer Curve, Mouth Upper Lip tip width Nose Septum Width, Nose Septum height, aWt's face sliders

Chin to neck slider by wotjek (direct mediafire link, the original blog, post closed down)

Ear Width Slider by OneEuroMutt

Custom Content

HD primer skin for all ages default, HD 2k bodies + faces by Kurasoberina

Dusk Skinramp by Procrasimantion (I didn't realize the post for the original link was no longer active, It is now)

Shirtless everyday for males by Guidion

Egyptian eyeliner, fixed by Piezoelectric

EA face overlay fix (full package) by missy harries

Oh my Tiffany! -an eye set- default replacement + iShadow by Escand

Walk like an egyptian WA female to male accessories by omega

Denecklaced African Inspirations: Maasai tie top (direct link, original post no longer available)

Expansions & Stuff Packs Used
World Adventures: Accessories for everyday and formal. eyeliner for everyday formal athletic and swimwear, and sandals for formal and athletic
Late Night: Athletic top
Ambitions: Eye shadow for everyday, formal, swimwear and athletic

Store Stuff
The Extraordinary Ordinary Kilt from Dragon Valley

Notes Due to a glitch I have in game he was a originally uploaded with makeup staying locked for all categories, it should be easily remedied by using a mirror, but if anyone who downloaded the original has the glitch I updated the file, and it should work fine

Additional Credits:
Poses by k2m1too and TheaiNyx