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Tom Mison

4,827 Downloads 153 Thanks  Thanks 31 Favourited 21,958 Views
Uploaded: 16th Mar 2014 at 3:05 PM
I can't really explain how it is I decide which actor to sim-ify. Usually what happens is I will catch a glimpse of an actor out of the corner of my eye and some part of my brain says, "OH! THAT NOSE! MUST SCULPT NOW!" And I get a bit obsessive about working on that sim. Sometimes the sim-ification process gets interrupted by a new "obsession" and a sim-lebrity will go unpublished for a while. That is what happened with this guy. I started working on him right when the pilot for "Sleepy Hollow" aired last fall and I had him all but finished (save for the photos!). But I got side-tracked and never got around to uploading him. So as part of my "Spring WIP Cleaning" effort, I finally got re-inspired to finish up his photos and share him.

About the Actor

"Thomas James "Tom" Mison (born 23 July 1982) is an English actor and writer. Raised in Surrey, England, he trained at the Webber-Douglas Academy. Tom is known for his roles in Lost in Austen, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and Parade's End. Tom currently plays Ichabod Crane in the new series Sleepy Hollow."

-- Sources: Wikipedia and Tom Mison's Official Website

About the Sim

Warddrobe : (left to right) Everyday, Formal, Sleep, Athletic, Swim, Outer

Custom Sliders
Custom Content
Store Items
EP/SP Items
  • Generations : Everyday Top
  • University Life : Everyday Pants, Athletic Top
  • Supernatural : Formal Pants
  • Late Night : Formal Shoes, Outerwear Pants

  • The custom sliders are only required if you intend to edit him.
  • This sim was packaged with EA default skin!
  • The download links at #aWT's site no longer work. This is an alternate download site.
  • IN3S's site no longer exists. This is an alternate download site.
  • The "Dressed Down Sports Coat" is only available as part of the "Le Cinema Plumbob" set.

About the Photos
The following items were used in staging the photos and are neither required for nor included with the sim.

"Ichabod Crane"-esque Outfit
Additional Credits:
HystericalParoxysm, Heaven, Tigerdyhr, SimmyRN and every other kind soul from CFF who helped out!